Mageia server is getting better

Well it is a family: Mandriva Mageia ROSA Unity PCLOS. Brothers and sisters living together in perfect harmony - so it deserved som space of its own.

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Re: Mageia server is getting better

Postby jkerr82508 » 01 Dec 2015, 02:02

The "pulse" packages that you see are related to pulseaudio and not to the Pulse software that is the subject of the agreement between Mageia and Siveo. Pulse has not yet been packaged for Mageia and will not appear in the repositories (other than perhaps as backports) until Mageia 6.


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Re: Mageia server is getting better

Postby dedanna1029 » 02 Dec 2015, 16:32

No, it is not pulseaudio. Those packages are named differently and the descriptions are different. Pulseaudio has been one of my babies, if not the baby, for years. You can't go there with me. Even viking will attest to that.
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Re: Mageia server is getting better

Postby dedanna1029 » 02 Dec 2015, 16:35

Also, those weren't the packages it wanted to take, IIRC. Again, I need to try it again to confirm or deny this. I haven't had chance, with new job, lack of internet, etc.
I'd rather be a free person who fears terrorists, than be a "safe" person who fears the government.
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